Allies for Cherry Point's Tomorrow (ACT) is a regional association dedicated to promoting Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point in Havelock, North Carolina. Our mission has two main objectives:
Educating the public: We raise awareness about the significance of MCAS Cherry Point, its history, and its role in supporting both the local community and the entire U.S. military on a global scale.
Supporting military personnel and their families: We provide educational opportunities and support services to active duty military personnel, their families, and children stationed at MCAS Cherry Point. We recognize their sacrifices and strive to enhance their well-being and quality of life.
Our Mission
Did you know?
1 out of 4
people living in a four-county area in Eastern North Carolina are connected to Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point (MCAS Cherry Point) either as active duty military, civilian employees, family dependents or retirees.
50,000 people
approximately are actively involved in our community because of MCAS Cherry Point being here. Of the 50,000 people in Carteret, Craven, Jones and Pamlico Counties, many of them include teachers, students, business owners, medical professionals, car buyers, homeowners, shoppers, diners, volunteers and more.
23,160 people
approximately employed by MCAS Cherry Point and Fleet Readiness Center East (FRC East).They are the largest employers in Craven County and also in Carteret County with an average annual salary of $60,176 at FRC East.
Support our friends & neighbors!
Allies for Cherry Point’s Tomorrow (ACT) has been the voice for MCAS Cherry Point, FRC East, and its civilian enterprises for over 30 years. By actively engaging our citizens, we continue to educate about the importance of Cherry Point to the well-being of our region, including the many ways our Marines, civilian defense employees, their families and our veterans serve in our communties.
In addition, consider this:
In 2023, Cherry Point had an aggregated economic impact of $2.19 billion.
Annually, Cherry Point purchases nearly $1 billion in goods and services from local companies and vendors.
In 2021, Cherry Point’s annual payroll and retirement contributions exceeded $1.25 billion.
FRC East is the largest industrial employer east of I-95 with more than 4,000 high-skilled, high-wage civilian jobs in support of the military.